As I took my computer out to write this, I looked at the clock and it was at 8:03 am on August 19, 2017!!! Exactly one year ago that you were born. How cool.

I remember it like it was yesterday and it was easily the best and scariest day of our lives. Now, I have a terrible memory but I will never forget this day a year ago and the first 11 days after while you were getting better in the NICU. After that it was kind of a blur for the first 2 months. Everything after that was amazing. I honestly feel like the good outweighed any of the bad by so much that I think I am the luckiest person in the world to have you. Here are some highlights of the first year of your life.
Your year started out rough.

Month 3, you had your first big trip to Banff for Uncle Brett and Auntie Bri's wedding and your first

Month 4 and 5 we had some pretty big changes! A sleep regression, your first cold, your first swim, your first Christmas and moved to your crib!

Month 4 and 5 we had some pretty big changes! A sleep regression, your first cold, your first swim, your first Christmas and moved to your crib!

Month 6, you started to eat solids, started smiling a lot more and becoming a big boy! I think you finally could fully hold your head up here. Haha.

Month 8, you began your love for Baby Shark and grocery shopping. You were able to sit up and walk with walker, you ate like a champ and loved playing with Taeva.

Month 9, you had 5 teeth already, you started clapping, waving, watching playoffs, army crawling and climbing stairs.

Month 10, you decided to crawl like a normal baby (we were getting worried there, haha), you like giving kisses, clapping a lot, sitting through story time and climbing on everything.

Month 11 a lot happened! You stopped nursing, you started to sleep through the night 630-630, you took your first steps, and had your first camping trip.

Month 12, well we went back to Ontario for 2 weeks this time, You were such a good boy. You started to say mama, dada, walk a bit more but not fully and started dancing.(cutest thing ever) You also started daycare and were so good that it made it a lot easier on me.

This past year you have been a real gem, Vaughn. When people say they have the best baby I think, no, I do. But seriously, I don't think we could have been luckier. You were a decent sleeper, not great but good enough. You were happy (still are) and barely ever cried (still don't). You got better with age in this case. Your personality grew each month and each day got better and better.
We love your smile,
We love everything that you are. We promise to teach you respect for yourself and others, love, compassion, kindness, equality and we promise to care less about whether you are academically gifted and more about whether you sit with the lonely kid in the cafeteria.
And as I write this your dad is rocking you in the chair because you decided you don't want to sleep, only cry and only be held, but it doesn't matter because you are allowed to have bad days and bad nights and its your birthday so you can cry if you want to.
Happy 1st Birthday, little V. We love you more than life itself.
And as I write this your dad is rocking you in the chair because you decided you don't want to sleep, only cry and only be held, but it doesn't matter because you are allowed to have bad days and bad nights and its your birthday so you can cry if you want to.
Happy 1st Birthday, little V. We love you more than life itself.