You are two!!! So cliché but seriously you have grown up so fast, and you are such a little man. You and I drove to St. Albert a few weeks ago and so many memories and feelings came back from 2 years ago. What has happened this past year!?
Where to start....
Halloween... we went to Clymont for a Halloween Dance with your girl Taeva

Christmas 2017- you enjoyed Christmas more this year, you loved opening the gifts and the tree. You LOVED the tree. We also ended up at the Stollery on Christmas. A 1.5 hour wait ended up being a 8 hour stay. You got bronchiolitis but got a puffer and we were on our way.

You got your first haircut...and have had many since, all of which you are such a good boy for.

You started to take a liking to watching hockey on TV, watching Dad play and supporting the Humbolt Broncos.

Easter time - we went to the Fort Edmonton Park easter brunch and you had a fun easter egg hunt.

You spent lot of time with your friends. You play so well with everyone, except and her like to scrap. Its actually hilarious. Definitely a love hate relationship.

And, of course our annual Ontario trip. You were an angel and everyone loved you.
You love,
your Grandparents,

Mama and Daddy...

You really took a liking to cooking and baking with mama. I think Dad would say I'm still the messier cook.


A few of my faves...attachments to odd things, helping with chores, tactfully eating ice cream, the beginning of meltdowns, sitting on the potty but not actually using it, and independently carrying your stuff in the airport. Gosh, you are cute.

and you still have the best smile...

For your birthday we did a dinosaur theme. You really loved them. I got you a cute shirt that said, "Can't. Have to walk my dinosaur." We had it in the backyard, filled with sensory bins and activities for your friends to do. The joy in your face when people continued to walk through the back gate was priceless.
It was only a year ago I said this,
"We love everything that you are. We promise to teach you respect for yourself and others, love, compassion, kindness, equality and we promise to care less about whether you are academically gifted and more about whether you sit with the lonely kid in the cafeteria." This will be true till as long as you live.
It seems we have done well so far in kindness, compassion and love, as I'm not sure the rest are exactly understandable to a 2 year old but we will get there. In the past year you have learned about time outs and have decided on your own that a hug and a kiss were only natural after you were done your time out. You showed me at daycare when you accidently throw a ball at another kids head that a hug is the only response. You have showed me that when you hurt someone on purpose or by accident that a hug and a tap on the back is again the only response. I appreciate that about you. It makes me really proud, and its so heartwarming to witness. It is showing this mama of yours that you are a nice, sweet, empathetic little boy, something I hold close to my heart. Keep it up, young man.
Your facial expressions, ability to put on a pout show to get attention, your laugh, and your hilarious personality make us smile and laugh on a daily basis. Recently, I quite enjoyed when you covered my mouth while I sang to you before bed. Your chin down, shoulder up ginormous smile that you started while in Ontario. I also love that if your dad and I are sitting down you make sure to grab our hands to get us to get up and do something. We appreciate the motivation. And, our new dance parties before bed while watching World of Dance. I love how excited you get when you see a plane, train and school bus and how you wave at every person and car that goes by. I love the language you speak, your one has ever heard of it.
Vaughn, you still are the #besttoddlerever and I legit mean that. You are so easy on us. It is rare we have a day of meltdowns or meltdowns at all. (they do happen though- see Instastories.) I still try and always will try to be the mom that talks about how awesome you are and not so much about your bad days. That's a tough thing to come by these days.
We still love you more than life itself. Keep being you. We are so proud of who you have become the past 2 years. You really are my sunshine.
Godspeed, little man and Happy 2nd Birthday.
Love you, Mama