You are 3, my boy. You've been telling everyone you are two while holding up 5 fingers for the longest time and then suddenly this past week you respond "Three" (still with 5 fingers). You surprise me every day with your humor, speech and understanding. I love you at this age. This past year has been my favourite. You have slowly been learning words and putting sentences together and although behind a bit for your age in this regard it has literally been the cutest thing to watch.
I know they say "terrible two's" but we honestly didn't experience that (threenager could be coming...yes, I understand). You have continued to be the #besttoddlerever. I feel so lucky. As per the last two years, I will give a brief rundown of your year. I love capturing moments with you whether it be a picture or one million videos. As i'm not much of an actual blogger, inserting videos is not gonna happen and that is probably for the better as I have way too many. So here we go...
After you turned 2 we thought a big boy bed was in your near future. We ordered a house bed and you loved it immediately. You got out the first two nights but after that it was a dream. I love that you wake up and let yourself out and come and wake me up yelling "Mommy!!!!"
And then people thought I was crazy for wanting to start potty training with a barely talking 2 year old, but I read the "Oh Crap Potty Training" Book and went for it. It was October 12 at 2 years and 2 months old and we began. Again, you grasped the concept quite well, were a dream to potty train and I would say successfully potty trained within 2 weeks. Stellar job, young man.
Halloween was a fun one again, we hit up the Clymont Halloween Party with Auntie Kellie, Uncle lee and Taeva, same as last year. Dad made yours and his costume from scratch. You were Max from Where the Wild Things are and Dad was the monster. Mommy, well, a cat again. Haha.
Christmas was eventful this year, we took in a lot and wanted you to really experience it. We went to Glow in St. Albert, cut down our own MASSIVE tree, you were a star in your daycare Christmas Concert, and we had our annual Christmas parties with friends. We spent Christmas Day with everyone at Grandpa Gord and Grandma Sandra's.
Sadly, shortly after Christmas on January 3, 2019 we lost Grandpa Gord. I am so happy we have these 2 photos from Christmas that day.
Mommy and Daddy took some trips this year and left you at home with your Grandma and Grandpa's. We went to Hawaii in January and Skiing in February.
We got you out on the ski hill this year as well. We thought skiing forsure but then also had you try snowboarding. Jury is still out on this one, we will try both again this year and see which you tend to prefer. You would get so pumped to go, and were so excited to put your skis on and then you would do 3 runs and say, "all done."
We tried skating too, but this was kind a bust this year... don't worry, we will have you on them as soon as there is ice again.
In March we took a trip to Hanmer for the family hockey tournament and to spend some time with Uncle Brian as he was quite sick. Unfortunately, Uncle Brian lost his battle with cancer 4 months later in June. I'm so thankful we spent this time with him.
You loved Easter again, it gets better every year.
Watching Mommy and Daddy drink coffee every morning you took a liking to it (the idea of it) and started to request coffee yourself. It was hilarious and I'm sure had people gasping and wondering if I that was actually what I was giving you.
You spent a lot of time with Meredyth this year, we camped, went swimming, out for dinner and time at their house. You are so lucky to have Meredyth, Uncle Stew and Auntie Steph in your life. They love you a lot.
You also got to see Taeva a lot too, or as you like her call her "Taeba" We spent time at their lake lot, at each others houses and swimming in our hot tub. You are also super lucky to have Taeva , Uncle Lee and Auntie Kellie in your life. They treat you like their own.
We went to Hanmer again this August where they trained you to say "Hanmer" when asking where your favorite place to vacation is. Its no doubt you love it there, our family is amazing and the hospitality is beyond what anyone could ever want. We spread Uncle Brians ashes in Lake Wanapitei, swam in Dixon Lake, went boating, spent time with 1-5th cousins, watched baseball and played in the sand. It was a perfect vacation to end our summer. On the drive home from the airport you started to cry asking if we were going to "Uncle Georges house" Over and over, "I go to Uncle Georges house, Mommy."

Luckily, you still love your mommy and daddy...
You still love swimming and started Paul Sadler Swimland swimming classes. A little nervous at first but we will get there. You had no trouble swimming out into the middle of Dixon Lake. : \
This year I would say the theme for you is "all things that go." You are obsessed with cars, hence our cars theme birthday. You love planes, helicopters, trains, cars, trucks, bulldozers, and tractors. We obviously love this as you are now old enough to enjoy the car races with us. : ) and we bought you an early birthday present of a power wheels jeep which you have no fear on.
And then we had your birthday party. You talked about this for months and I made you a calendar so that you knew when it was. It was the most anticipating event for you. You wanted a "blue car" theme and when people asked what you wanted you said, "a blue car." Luckily, you got a few blue cars. We got you a Jeep shirt, a jeep hot wheels, some stickers, some Daniel Tiger books and desperately needed size 10 Nikes...oh and of course your jeep from earlier this year. Spoiled.
Its been 2 years in a row now that I have said this, but believe it will be a reoccurring theme...
"We love everything that you are. We promise to teach you respect for yourself and others, love, compassion, kindness, equality and we promise to care less about whether you are academically gifted and more about whether you sit with the lonely kid in the cafeteria." This will be true till as long as you live.
I love witnessing your empathy, how your voice changes when you ask, me or your dad or the dogs if they are okay, or if you see a baby. I love your generosity with hugs and kisses yet respect when some of your friends don't want them. I love that you have great manners with please, thank you and you're welcome. I love that you appropriately say sorry, are a pretty good sharer and I love that you go for breaks in your room when your emotions are running wild, coming out refreshed and happy. I also especially love that when we have kept you up late and you start getting tired, you will randomly say, "Mommy...I'm not tired, k? I'm not tired, nope!" You are seriously the best.
Godspeed, little man. Happy 3rd Birthday! Love you more than anything.
Love, Mommy.