Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 12 - Lapse turns into Relapse....kinda. Happens all the time. Frick.

Alrighty, I had no time to blog yesterday so here is what happened. First of all I went to the Oil Kings game and then out with some friends from work. I ate a Taco salad for dinner, not so healthy but considered that my meal, so wasn't too concerned. After the bar I figured what a great time to have a cheat meal. Mcdonalds. So that was my cheat meal right?

Woke up Saturday, had so much to do. I came home from Stephs, hung out for a bit, cleaned  and ate half of an apple and a shake. I then went for a run with Carmen. I came home, had to go the grocery store, come home get ready, make a dish and go to David's retirement party. I ate a banana, half an apple and a shake before the party. I had intended on eating way more to prevent me from becoming a pig at the party.

PARTY TIME.FOOD GALORE. Wow, so much amazing food at Kory's, I indulged. I will give it to myself that I took smaller portions of everything but then continued to graze the entire night. I should blame this on Scarlett and Kory who  continued to say "Come on guys, we need to eat this food!" So I helped of course. I'm a helper by nature. ; )

So I guess I could consider that my lapse and if I continue it would be a relapse, but I think the Taco salad at Brewhouse was the start. The good side of all this is that David's party was amazing. I work with such awesome people. Everyone is so much fun. I stayed sober and that was one of the best sober nights I've had in a long time. Great party!

I was also planning to go to Yoga yesterday, however they were having a workshop and have limited classes. I didn't have time to get to class before I had to leave. I did my run though so as long as I'm doing something I'm happy.

Today I will be following my normal eating plan and running. Yoga will commence tomorrow and I will be doing a run/stairs at lunch. I will admit to this slip but I'm also proud of myself for continuing to be active each day by running or yoga, as well as following my day time Body by Vi.

Will blog later tonight about today.

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