Day 78.
Well this week has been really spectacular as far as eating, I've been on par and not straying too bad. I have been struggling with my runs and am going to blame it on heat and biking. HA. On Monday I felt sick at the bottom of the stairs and and walked up them and had to stop again half way back. I felt discouraged but was "listening to my body" and need to break. Perhaps it was the heat or lack of water I drank before the run but I felt dizzy and nauseous. After work Steph and Kerry came over, we had dinner Steph and I went out. She was fruit booting and I biked. We did 13.5 K. I was feeling fine up until last nights run with Megan. I struggled again....this time my legs were just draining the energy out of me....I'm thinking it was the 4K run/stairs and 13.5 K bike ride on Monday. Regardless, I completed the runs and still got a workout in. Tonight Steph and I did 7.7 K with lots of hills and a bit of walking.
I am still super proud of myself from where I've come. I think after all these years I have my fitness in check. Chances for relapse are reduced significantly after 90 days. : ) Haha. I am at the point that if I miss even one day I MUST do something the following day. I give myself one rest day usually and the rest I'm given'r. Fitness, check! Eating....working on it! Check, for this week! HA.
I'm going to do Jillian Michaels tomorrow, rest Friday and then see what happens this weekend. I'm volunteering for the GWN Triathlon so we will see what that brings! : )
Till another time....
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