You are 4! Oh my goodness, as you like to say. : ) This year has been interesting, fairly uneventful until COVID happened. You have been a gem this year, as usual. Still waiting for the nightmare toddler years they tell us about. I mean, you do have your moments but nothing worth writing about. I know I say this every year, but this age is the best.
So, right after you turned 3, you suddenly needed to wake up in the middle of the night and come sleep with keep telling me when you are 4 (holding up 4 fingers) that you will stay the entire night in your room, but about a month before your birthday, you seemed to have changed that to 5 (while holding up 5 fingers). When I ask why you come into our room you say, "because I love you" in the sweetest voice, knowing it will melt us and allow you to keep doing it. It just so happens 2 days before your birthday, you stayed in your bed all night and were so proud of yourself. Hmmmm, wonder how this will play out.
So after your 3rd birthday, we went camping to Spring Lake with the Williamsons and Strattons and spent time with friends.
So, right after you turned 3, you suddenly needed to wake up in the middle of the night and come sleep with keep telling me when you are 4 (holding up 4 fingers) that you will stay the entire night in your room, but about a month before your birthday, you seemed to have changed that to 5 (while holding up 5 fingers). When I ask why you come into our room you say, "because I love you" in the sweetest voice, knowing it will melt us and allow you to keep doing it. It just so happens 2 days before your birthday, you stayed in your bed all night and were so proud of yourself. Hmmmm, wonder how this will play out.
So after your 3rd birthday, we went camping to Spring Lake with the Williamsons and Strattons and spent time with friends.
You got preschool photos and well, Dad insisted on buying you a truck, or depending on the day and things he buys for it, its sometimes mine. ; )
We checked out Jurassic Forrest with Papa Gerry and Grandma Judy...
Halloween this year you wanted to be a fire truck! Dad was Rubble and me, well, your usual cat. We went to our 3rd Annual Clymont Halloween Party as well.
Skiing started in November. You did a lot better this year, but still a bit scared sometimes.
Christmas, as usual was a blast. This year we had both Papa's and Grandmas are our house.Mom and Dad were in Dominican for the first week of December but we made up for it when we got home.
We also got out tobogganing this year.
You spent some more time with Jovie, or Jobie as you like to say it.
and Taeva or Taeba as you like to call her.
March is when COVID hit and they shut down schools and daycares. I had to bring you to work with me and then we worked it out so that you went to a different daycare. Jasper Place Child and Family Resource Center was an essential worker daycare and they were so amazing. The first day we dropped you off, it was like nothing different to you, just went about your day and waved by. You were so good throughout this whole thing. We did our best to keep you busy otherwise.
Easter came around but due to COVID we decided to not get together with family. Instead we did our own little dinner and the usual Easter egg hunt. We spent a lot of family time together in April, it was basically COVID lock down. Mom brought out her best crafting skills too. Hours and hours of it. Haha.
For your birthday we bought you a quad but a bit early (in May) so you could enjoy it. We had to have it for you and you are a pretty good little rider.
In June we got one camping trip in at the Buskas farm before we sold our trailer to get ready for our lake lot next summer.
July was busy. We spent a lot of time outside exploring and went to visit Auntie Tia and Uncle Chris in Calgary. They showed us a really good time.
We had a trip planned to Idaho but because of COVID we had to cancel. Last minute we decided to head to Ontario and so glad we did. You and Journey had a blast and you spent good quality time with everyone.
And then, 3 days later we went to Canmore and Banff for moms birthday. We walked over 25 km that weekend. You did so good. We did Grassi Lakes, Downtown Banff to Bow Falls, Lake Minnewanka and Troll Falls.
You also took a liking to geocaching, yoga and Lego this year. You made huge strides this year with your speech, although questionable at times we knew you would get through... and your skiing, swimming and biking. We are so proud of you. We are in the middle of a pandemic and you soared through like at trooper from one daycare to another and wear a mask with no issue. You have been so incredibly resilient and easy going through this whole thing. You continue to have exceptional manners, and you are so forgiving. You are empathetic and know when you say sorry. Keep it up, my little boy. You promised me about a month ago you would stay this age forever, but we all know life doesn't work that way. You are a unique, hilarious, smart and loving human and we love you so much.
Happy 4th Birthday!
God speed, little one.
Love, Mommy
Love this <3 and you all!