Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 39 - Ooops, missed a few days...

Oops, I missed a few days. Excuse? Don't got one. Bottom line, things have been going good. Run and stairs on Wednesday, slo pitch Thursday and rest day Friday (today). At Slo pitch I got nailed in the back of the head with a ball. Some guy from our team was throwing it in from a home run and I was walking in as the inning was done. Man, that hurt. Some minor headaches today throughout the day, but obviously nothing serious. I haven't been feeling super good this week, and the plan was Friday run with Steph. We changed that plan as the weather went "not so good" and I still wasn't feeling amazing. We drank wine instead. Ha! Steph and I ARE running 5K tomorrow am and will be doing Body by Vi. I found a new shake that is amazing.Trop 50 1/2 cup, then 1/2 cup of water, with shake mix, frozen mango and ice! Mmmmm.

So, in saying all this, I am feeling really good. My jeans are big, baggy and kinda look dumb. People even mentioned today that my jeans were too big...YAY! As well, (this may sound crazy to some), but when I was at H & M today trying on some stuff, they have those mirrors where you can see yourself from behind. I used to HATE looking, HATE it. I remember looking the last time and thinking. "Wow, Lisa, you are fat. You need to fix this." Well, today when I did that I noticed a HUGE difference. I feel amazing. I still would like to lose a lot more, and get toned up in the stomach area and get a bigger ass. ; ) For real. I want a bubble butt.

Not much else to report...I will try to blog daily again...perhaps a drunk blog tomorrow? That could be fun!!!

Till tomorrow, or the next day....

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