Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 15 - Kate.

Today is Day 15. I must start by speaking of a lovely friend of mine, Kate Schneider. Anyone that knows Kate will know exactly what I am talking about. I met Kate back in March 2010 when she came back from mat leave and we shared an office at the PChAD building. We connected right away.  I trusted her and confided in her almost immediately. Kate is easily the most kind, genuine and warm hearted person I have ever met. Its not everyday you meet someone that exudes the beautiful warmth that Kate does. As a counsellor at PChAD, I was banking on the few times I had been commended on my work and that fact I was hired to make me believe I was good at my job. Kate was always genuine in telling me when I handled something well, ideas of when I could have done better or different and complimenting me on my skills. I am a better counsellor because of her. Its a tough job and I'm not sure I could have got through that year at PChAD without her.  Not only has Kate been an inspiration to me professionally  (P.S She is soooooo amazing at her job and now a Family Counsellor), she has also been much of my inspiration for this blog and becoming healthy.

Kate is miniature. First, she is SHORT. Second, she is freaking tiny and sooo cute. Kate has lost over 80 lbs in the past year with Body by Vi and looks amazing. What an amazing accomplishment!!!So proud of her. Anyways, I emailed Kate this morning to see if she could call me as I was needing to run a situation by her to see if I was overreacting. Kate called me immediately, we caught up a bit and she confirmed I was not crazy. ; ) We talked about the blog, the challenges etc. I sent her the link to my blog so she could read it. I went about my day and did some interviews. I came back up to my office to the most amazing and inspiring voicemail. I even saved it. Kate, you are so wonderful and that message made my day. Thank you my lovely lovely friend. Love your guts.

No run today, but did Hot Flow at 5. Wasn't really into the class...the instructor wasn't my fave and I wasn't in a good mood. I pushed through though. For dinner I met with my friends Alice and Carmen at Local. I kinda cheated. I had a veggie burger, no top bun and about a handful of yam fries. Better than normal but not the best I could have done tonight. Run and Hot Flow tomorrow!

Support from friends/family and people telling me they read my blog keeps me going. Even if its a "like" or a comment, its so nice to know people actually read it. This website shows me how many visits I get too! Haha. So THANK YOU to everyone that shows support, admits they read it, posts comments and "likes,"  runs with me and stops me from eating bad food. I really do appreciate it.

Till tomorrow...

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